Places are like people. Sometimes, just by laying your eyes on them for the first time, you know you will like this rendezvous. You gravitate towards it like you two always belonged together. However, nothing of that sort happened when we disembarked the train and came outside amongst the usual chaos of any other Indian city early that morning. It is funny how the nostalgia of the old life gave way to apprehensions of living here so quickly. There was no time to think of the past, but future. It has been two weeks since we arrived here to begin our lives again. Yes, moving to a new city is akin to a new beginning. A new bigger house, a new neighborhood, a new office along with new colleagues for my father, new friends that my mother made so quickly and a brand new school for me and Aditi. The house still doesn't feel the same home that I left. I have my own room and a window with a view of an adjoining playground just like before. Only that, a mango tree...